Aderarea UCv la Carta Europeana a Cercetatorilor si Codul de Conduita pentru Recrutarea Cercetatorilor



In martie 2005, Comisia Europeana a adoptat Recomandarea  2005/251/EC privind Carta Europeana a Cercetatorilor si Codul de Conduita pentru Recrutarea Cercetatorilor. Carta Europeana a Cercetatorilor este un ansamblu de principii generale şi de condiţii de bază care specifică rolurile, responsabilităţile şi prerogativele cercetătorilor şi angajatorilor şi/sau finanţatorilor cercetătorilor. Carta si Codul contin 40 de principii si conditii generale care sunt structurate pe patru directii principale:

(1)   Probleme etice si profesionale;

(2)   Recrutare;

(3)   Conditii de lucru si securitate sociala;

(4)   Pregatire.

Pe 29 octombrie 2020, conducerea Universitatii din Craiova a semnat Declaratia de Aderare la Carta Europeana a Cercetatorilor si Codul de Conduita pentru Recrutarea Cercetatorilor. In acest context, alaturi de 1247 de organizatii europene semnatare, Universitatea din Craiova a initiat un proces, in 5 pasi, de implementare a Cartei si Codului Cercetatorilor sub indrumarea Comisiei Europene.



Accession of the University of Craiova to the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers

In March 2005, the European Commission adopted the 2005/251/EC Recommendation on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The European Charter for Researchers specifies the roles, responsibilities and prerogatives of researchers and employers. The Charter and the Code contain 40 principles and general conditions which are structured on four dimensions:

  1. Ethical and professional issues;
  2. Recruitment;
  3. Working conditions and social security;
  4. Training.

On the 29th of October 2020 the management of the University of Craiova signed the Declaration of accession to the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. In this context, the University began, along with other 1247 European organizations, a five-step process for implementing the Charter & Code of researchers under the guidance of the European Commission.


Știri@UCV - 03.11.2020