Science&You: the call for participation is open!

Science & You 2015 concerns a wide range of people: researchers, heads of teaching and research organisations, PhD students, heads of museums and science centres, business leaders, science journalists and communicators... We wish to create the best conditions possible for debating and sharing amongst actors who feel passionately about how science lives in society.


For this 2015 edition, the main theme is "Scientific culture on the move: forms of mobilisation, cultural and political contexts, social links." To know more, you can find all the themes, approaches and modalities of contribution in the call for participation.
You can submit a proposal for Science & You 2015 directly on the website
Whether you wish to submit a communication for the Congress (for a conference or a workshop), or a participation for the forum (presentation of an experience, a prototype, a live performance, an exhibition, a round-table conference, or any proposal showing an innovative approach dedicated to scientific culture...), there is only one form to fill on the website. 
Știri@UCV - 01.07.2014