The Department of Students’ Support - DPSS
The Department of Students Social Affairs (DPSS), structurally integrated and subordinated to vice-rector no. 3, responsible for Economic and Financial Management and Students’ Support, coordinates the social services of the University as established by Art. 130 of the Charter of the University of Craiova (UCV).
DPSS provides support and advice for students on social issues in relation to the representatives of the faculties and of the university, supports and disseminates among students social, cultural and sport activities, with the principles, rights and obligations provided by Art. 125 and Art. 126 of the Charter of the UCV, and the rights and obligations of the student code (MECTS Order no. 3666/30.03.2012) and the code of the student’s rights and obligations of the University of Craiova.
The actions of the DPSS target with priority students and their interconnection with the structures of the faculty and of the university trying to solve their social problems.