ASFL Projects
Student Organisation of the Faculty of Letters
Student Organisation of the Faculty of Letters (A.S.F.L.) was founded in 1990, reorganized in 2008 and 2010, entitled to represent the students at the Faculty of Letters. Its recognition at local and national level was achieved once it affiliated with the Convention of Student Organizations in Craiova (COS) in March 2008 and then to the National Union of Students in Romania (UNSR) in May 2008.
The aim of ASFL is to defend the rights and promote the social, professional, cultural and material interests of the students at the Faculty of Letters, to ensure the transparency and promotion of the decisions made within the faculty regarding the students, and to organize different competitions in order to train every student in an informal manner. The association represents the students at the Faculty of Letters, who are not discriminated against on account of nationality, age, gender, religion or political opinions; in order to become active members, students only need to get involved in the association activities.
Along the time, the Association of Students at the Faculty of Letters initiated numerous projects for the students it represents and not only. The ASFL projects have a social, cultural, humanitarian, artistic and specific character, both at the local and international level.
For further information: e-mail addresses: