ResearchCentresResearch Centres

Research Centres

The scientific research/artistic centres of the University of Craiova involve outstanding scholars and young researchers aspiring to scientific excellence. The centres provide a framework for the development of scientific research and human resources training in advanced science fields.

A scientific research centre includes one or more laboratories in the same research area or different areas. A research centre must have its own articles, providing the organisational structure and the rules of operation.

Depending on the evaluation criteria for each research centre, they fall into:

  • centres recognised at the university level (based on internal evaluation);
  • nationally recognised centres (evaluated by CNCS or other competent bodies);
  • internationally recognised centres.

Depending on the intended goals, the following structures that may be established at the university level are assimilated to research centres:

  • expertise and consultancy centres;
  • centres for innovation and technology transfer;
  • support centres for experiments or prototype production;
  • centres for the promotion of scientific education;
  • centres for the scientific, technological and creation-related cooperation with universities and research institutions in country and abroad.


Research Centres acknowledged at university level (pdf

The procedure for establishing scientific research centers or periodic evaluation of existing centers (pdf) 

Documents required for setting up scientific research centers or for periodic evaluation of existing centers are:

  • Summary data description of the centre (pdf)
  • Status of the research center (pdf)
  • Self-assessment report (pdf)
  • Faculty Council Notice (pdf)
  • Copies of the documents which show the acknowledgement of the centre by other national or international evaluation organisms  (if it is the case).