EducationLifelong learning

Department of Lifelong Learning


The mission of the Department of Lifelong Learning (DFC) focuses on the monitoring of continuing education at the University, in cooperation with the faculties, on the promotion of training programmes aimed at re-skilling or complementary skills development.

The general objective of DFC underpins knowledge transfer through continuing professional training and development programmes, aiming at personal growth.

The main lines of action are as follows:

  • monitoring of the re-skilling, postgraduate and professional development programmes;
  • organisation of training programmes;
  • implementation of the framework of internships in accordance with legal provisions;
  • organisation of programmes addressing socially and economically disadvantaged groups;
  • support for the faculties in the marketing of training programmes;
  • promotion and development of training programmes in collaboration with other universities or similar centres/departments in Europe;


Presentation of operational plan for the Department of Lifelong Learning(DFC) (pdf).