Galeria Rectorilor
During 1948-1966, the function of rector was exerted at the level of the Agronomic Institute of Craiova by four professors:
Professor Andrei Moraru Associate Professor Doctor Ion Lungu
1948-1952 1952-1955
Professor Doctor Engineer Alexandru Buia – 1955-1964
He was a graduate of the Academy for Advanced Studies in Cluj (1934), PhD (1938), assistant lecturer, professor at the Faculty of Agronomy in Cluj (1934-1955) and rector of the Agronomic Institute of Craiova (1955-1964). He participated in the drafting and publication of numerous courses, papers, books and the implementation of research themes concerning the recovery sands of southern Oltenia and the improvement of the grasslands in the Parâng Mountains. He has the merit of having founded the Craiova Botanical Garden, which currently bears his name. He professed in academia for 45 years (1939-1984), and was one of the outstanding personalities of horticultural education in Romania. He was a former member of the Grand National Assembly, Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, president of the Regional Council for the Protection of Natural Monuments in Oltenia, a member of the Superior Diplomas etc.
Professor Doctor Engineer Marius Preda Professor Doctor Mircea Oprean
1966-1968 1968-1971
Professor Doctor Docent Titus Georgescu – 1971-1974
He was born in Corabia in 1929. He graduated the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest. He has a doctorate since 1968, and he is doctor docent since 1973. He was editor of the journal “Annals of History,” founder of the magazine “Historic magazine” and of the encyclopedia Little Library of History, author of over 20 books and numerous articles and studies published in professional journals. He has also participated in various international scientific congresses and meetings and is a member of prestigious associations of history from abroad.
Professor Doctor Engineer Silviu Puşcaşu – 1981-1984
He was born on May 10, 1927. He graduated with merit diploma, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute of Timișoara. In Craiova he was first head of department, then dean and vice-rector – at the Pedagogical Institute. After the establishment of the University he became Head of Department, and subsequently dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. He is author of seminal works in electrical engineering, developing 12 undergraduate courses and over 120 scientific papers, supported and published in the country and abroad.
Professor Doctor Tiberiu Nicola – 1974-1981, 1984-1989
He was born on February 3, 1939, in Gostavăţ, Olt. After graduating the Agronomic Institute of Craiova he attended postgraduate courses in philosophy (1956-1958), taking the doctorate in this specialization, in 1971. Along with the management tasks he was constantly involved in scientific research, publishing the books The Social Experiment and The Concept of Objective Reality (in al.). At the same time, he organized and coordinated extensive research in the socio-economic field, carried out by numerous collectives of teachers of the University of Craiova in areas like Amaradia (in 1975, which was also attended by the renowned sociologist, Professor Doctor Henri H. Stahl), Balș, Băilești etc., resulting in various studies and books published in the journal “Annals of University of Craiova.” He is also the author of the course, Theory of Knowledge, taught to the students of Philosophy-Sociology and of numerous articles in local and national magazines. As rector of the University he had an important contribution in the establishment of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Medicine. After 1990, he led the Department of Philosophy-Sociology for 4 years. As vice-rector and rector of our institution for two decades, he devotedly served the destinies of higher education in Craiova.
Professor Doctor Engineer Mircea Ivanescu – 1990-2004
He was born on May 3, 1943 Larga, Moldova. Between 1960 and 1965 he attended the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest and in 1967 he began the teaching and academic activity at the University of Craiova, as an Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Automation. Until 1990 he won all the didactic titles: Assistant (1967), Lecturer (1971), Associate professor (1976), Professor (1990). His involvement in the academic life was not limited only to teaching and research, but also included the assumption of administrative responsibilities (between 1981 and 1990, the Director of the Computer Center of the University, and from January to March 1990 he was Dean of the Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics), culminating with the function of Rector of the University of Craiova. The title was achieved through elections (the first university elections) in 1990 and continued through re-elected mandates in 1992, 1996, 2000. He founded the Faculty of Law, of Theology (1992), the Faculty of Physical Education (1996), the Departments of Theatre, Music (1998) inside the Faculty of Letters, the University College of Drobeta-Turnu Severin (1993) which in 2000 turned its specializations into long-term specializations, the specializations of Robotics (1994), Mechatronics (2002), the television studio TeleUniversitatea (1996), at that time, the only studio university in the country. His scientific concerns are closely linked to the domain of Robotics. He is president of the Romanian Society of Robotics and Board member of the prestigious Robotic Society in Geneva. Particular interests have raised the works within the area of expert systems, fuzzy algorithms and neural networks management.
Professor Doctor Engineer Ion Vladimirescu – 2004-2012
He was born on April 9, 1948 in Devesel, Mehedinți. He graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Craiova in 1973 valedictorian. In 1982 he obtained a PhD in mathematics under the scientific coordination of Acad. Marius Iosifescu. Since 1974 he began his teaching and academic activity getting all the titles: 1974-1978 – teacher in secondary education, 1978 – Assistant Professor, 1990 – Lecturer, 1991 – Associate professor, 1995 – Professor at the University of Craiova. He has extensive teaching and research activity: the Zentralblatt für Mathematik census, in 1982; member of the National Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability Theory; Member of the Society for Mathematical Sciences in Romania; Editorial Secretary – Annals of the University of Craiova, Series Mathematics-Physics-Chemistry; Member of the Society of Probability and Statistics of Romania; Member of the National Council of Research in Higher Education; member of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the National Council of Research in Higher Education. His interests are related to the scientific theory of mathematical statistics and stochastic processes. At the University of Craiova, his management activity was also crowned by the achievements in the positions held: Scientific Secretary of the Council of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, 1990-1992; Scientific Secretary of the Council of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, 1992-1996; Scientific secretary of the Senate, 1992-1996; Vice Rector for Scientific Research, 1996-2004; Rector, 2004-2012; President of the University Senate, 2012 – present.