The Library of the University of Craiova is a scientific, cultural, and public structure, without legal personality, an operating unit within the University. It was founded in 1948 as the Library of the “Tudor Vladimirescu” Agronomic Institute and in 1966 it became a university comprehensive library sup, training and research activities, mainly at the service of students, teaching staff and researchers. The Library comprises the European Documentation Centre, Point d’access a l’information (Access Point) and Deutscher Lesesaal (German Library). Currently, the University Library houses about 1 million books.
University Library(link site).
Date de contact:
Director: Lect.univ.dr.Mihai Coşoveanu
Adresa: Str.A.I.Cuza, Nr.13, Craiova, 200585
Tel/Fax: +40 251 418844