ResearchOrganizationDepartment of Relationship with the Economic, Social and Cultural EnvironmentUniversity link

University link with the Economic, Social and Cultural Environment

The main objectives of DR-MESC:

  • Providing the interface between the University of Craiova and the socio-economic environment by promoting some research programs which can respond to the market requirements for retooling, restructuring and modernization;
  • Creating the appropriate framework to implement training activities, technical assistance, consulting etc. by launching the university offer in the socio-economic and cultural environment, on the one hand and identifying the specific needs/expectations of socio-economic and cultural environment and their correlation with the university's offer, on the other hand;
  • Promoting training modules for trainers in various fields as requested by economic agents;
  • Identifying  economic applications for staff training ;
  • Promoting internships adjusted to achieve the diploma projects and dissertation papers based on themes formulated in cooperation with representatives of the socio-economic and cultural environment. Creating conditions and a partnership between the University of Craiova and the socio-economic environment to sustain the development in the country or abroad of the students’ practice considering the application and in this respect the European credit transfer system.

Cooperation conventions / contracts / programs undertaken at University level

Competitiveness Poles

The University of Craiova has prioritized supporting partnerships with the socio-economic environment through the establishment of competitiveness poles in the region of South-West Oltenia.  The strengthening of interaction between the university and the external environment will favour the implementation of new technologies, increasing productivity, increasing the number of suppliers and customers, of the members of competitiveness poles. The partners benefit from the advantages of an integrated approach including corporate management and adequate funding sources. Because the companies that have signed partnerships are part of the important economic agents’ category in the region who want to capitalize both the research development component and the technology transfer component it was decided in partnership including the participation in competitions that involve co-financing.

The University of Craiova participates in the development of 2 poles of competitiveness with visibility at both regional and national level, underlying the submission of two applications POS CCE Priority AXIS 1. “An innovative and eco-efficient production system” The key area of intervention 1.3 “Sustainable development of entrepreneurship” Operation “Development of business support structures of national and international interest – COMPETITIVENESS POLES”:

  • Competitiveness Pole “Research – Development – Innovation Automotive South-West Oltenia”
  • Competitiveness Pole “Tourism Oltenia – Innovation and Traditions in  Tourism -TurOlt InoTT”

The overall objective of the poles of competitiveness is encouraging the development of business structures around concrete activities in order to produce value-added goods as much as possible. The development of the two poles of competitiveness aims to stimulate economic concentrations by financing packages for projects implemented in partnership leading to acceleration of the creation and / or development of innovative activities with high potential for interaction in order to increase the number of suppliers and customers thus enabling the members of the poles to compete in the national and international markets.

Regulament privind organizarea şi desfăşurarea practicii studenţilor/masteranzilor (pdf).


Practice for the BA/MA students, cooperation agreements signed at the faculty level:

  • Faculty of Sciences (details here).
  • Faculty of Letters (details here).
  • Faculty of Law (details here).
  • Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (details here).
  • Faculty of Social Sciences (details here).
  • Faculty of Physical Education and Sport (details here).
  • Faculty of Theology (details here).
  • Faculty of Mechanics (details here).
  • Faculty of Electric Engineering (details here).
  • Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics (details here).
  • Faculty of Agronomy (details here).
  • Faculty of Horticulture (details here).


Practice for the BA/MA students, cooperation agreements signed at the University level:


Cooperation agreements/contracts and internships for the BA/MA students developed at the faculty level:

  • Faculty of Sciences (details here).
  • Faculty of Letters (details here).
  • Faculty of Law (details here).
  • Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (details here).
  • Faculty of Social Sciences (details here).
  • Faculty of Physical Education and Sport (details here).
  • Faculty of Theology (details here).
  • Faculty of Mechanics (details here).
  • Faculty of Electric Engineering (details here).
  • Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics (details here).
  • Faculty of Agronomy (details here).
  • Faculty of Horticulture (details here).