Administrative Services Chief Operating Officer Procurement Directorate Procurement and Supply Directorate
Procurement and Supply Directorate - General Presentation
The Procurement and Supply Directorate is organized as a functional organizational structure of the Chief Operating Officer and is structured into two divisions, namely:
- The Public Procurement Service
- Orders, Contracts, Products and Services Tracking and Supply Service which is in charge of two departments:
- The Supply Compartment
- Orders, Contracts, Products and Services Tracking Compartment
The main objective of the directorate is limited to the methodological coordination of procurement made from its own income, income from the hostels and canteens, revenue from research contracts, from European funds and other funds.
The main tasks of the directorate are limited to:
- substantiates and elaborates the Annual Public Procurement Program based on the needs and priorities communicated by the faculties and the departments, and other specialized services of the University of Craiova
- Makes procurement procedures and direct procurement to meet the different needs of the University of Craiova
- Tracks the performance of the contracts of the suppliers and providers