Student Halls of Residence and Cafeterias
General Description
Student Halls of Residence
The University of Craiova provides about 3,100 accommodation places in its 11 halls of residence.
The Faculty of Agronomy Campus
Address: 19 Libertăţii Street
Halls of Residence no.1, no. 2 and no. 3 provide 976 accommodation places. Each of the Halls of Residence no.1 and 2 comprises 420 beds in 4-bed rooms with a shared bathroom. Hall of Residence no. 3 provides 136 accommodation places in twin bed rooms with their own bathroom, TV set and fridge. It also provides 24 accommodation places in modern protocol flats and a conference room.
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Campus
Address: 107 Calea Bucureşti Street
Halls of Residence no. 6, 7, 8 and 14 provide 816 accommodation places. Halls of Residence no. 6 and 7 provide accommodation places in twin bed rooms with their own bathroom, TV set and fridge. Hall of Residence no.8 comprises 4-bed rooms with a shared bathroom. Hall of Residence no. 14 was set in operation in October, providing which 3-bed rooms with their own bathroom, TV set and fridge. It also provides the flexibility of 40 single rooms.
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering Campus
Address: 4 Calea Tehnicii Street
Hall of Residence no.10 provides 200 accommodation places (1000 beds). Each room has its own bathroom.
The Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Campus
Address: 146 Brestei Street
Halls of Residence no. 11, 12 and 13 provide 388 accommodation places. Halls of Residence no. 11 and 13 provide 5-bed rooms with a shared bathroom. Hall of Residence no.12 provides 3-bed rooms with their own bathroom, TV set and fridge. It accommodates both Romanian and international students.
Situated in the Campus Mecanică – Hall of Residence no.14, this state-of-the-art canteen provides students with excellent meals.
In October 2011, Canteen no. 1 was set in operation again in Campus Agronomie, providing low-cost food for students.
Reading Rooms and Facilities
All the Halls of Residence house reading rooms and surgery rooms. Halls of Residence no.3, 6, 7, 10, 12 and 14 have their own laundry rooms with coin-operated washing machines, as well as self-catering modern kitchens.
All the Halls of Residence offer cable television and are connected to RoEduNet network.
All the campuses are served by care and cleaning staff.