The Institutional Policy for Evaluation and Quality Assurance
The UCV has an integrated quality management that it improves permanently. The reference document is the Quality Assurance Code. The UCV’s functional units have their own regulations, implemented by the DMC in operational procedures.
The Quality Management System (SMQ) ensures internal quality assurance and monitoring of outcome indicators. On this basis, the DMC provides the necessary feedback for management to draw up action plans to improve the quality of processes taking place in the UCV in order to achieve the objectives.
The UCV aims to completely make the SMQ compatible with EN SR IWA 2-2009 and the “European Standards and Guidelines – ESG.”
Evaluation and Quality Assurance Practices at the UCV
Quality assurance practices at the University of Craiova revolve cyclically in an array with confirmed results: Design – Implementation – Operating and Monitoring – Evaluation – Adaptive Reaction. Even from the design phase, but especially in the phase of periodic evaluation we insist on focusing on networking with the external environment of the UCV. Internal evaluations completed by the external, institutional or sector evaluations, represent entering the loop whereby the UCV adapts its annual policies in operational plans and quadrennial objectives of strategic plans, to better meet the mission entrusted by society and the one assumed based on the university’s autonomy.
Structures of assessment and quality assurance at the UCV
Work on the creation and consolidation of a quality culture at the UCV was formalized in 2000 through the establishment of the Department of Quality Management (DMC) reorganized in 2006 and 2012. The DMC is stated in the UCV Charter, Art. 162 and its objectives are laid at Art. 163.
The following structures are subordinated to the DMC:
- The Evaluation and Quality Assurance Commission (CEAC), composed of 6 members: 3 UCV teachers, one UCV union representative, a student representative and a representative of the economic environment;
- The UCV Quality Council;
- Evaluation and quality assurance of the faculties’ study programs Commissions.
This quality management system architecture that combines power with decentralized entities contributes to the development of quality culture at the UCV and empowers the staff in quality assurance. Communication between structures enables bidirectional information flow, to and from the management of the faculties/departments and the university management and creates an efficient feedback loop.
Monitoring and internal control of the DMC
The DMC’s activity is monitored by the Commission for monitoring quality management, academic evaluation and accreditationsubordinated to the Senate, which reports cf. ARACIS instructions (external evaluator).